The aim of this project was to develop an architecture-related program in UnrealEngine.

This prototype adresses a significant problem in building maintenance. Modern buildings feature an abundance of pipes, HVAC systems and technical control panels, most of them hidden inside of walls and ceilings. Finding these proves to be difficult, especially to external technicians.

A navigation software based on existing BIM-Data was developed in UnrealEngine. With the help of Dataprep skripts an IFC-file can be read and trandscribed into a 3D-model of the building. The UnrealEngine pathfinding components can then generate an efiicient path to every object in the model.

Using ID-numbers the software can discern between different technical building parts and display parts in lists sorted by type. It can also manage a list of service jobs. Jobs can be marked as completed and new jobs can be entered.

The protoype offers simple visualisation in two different styles and the option to display or hide parts of the building.

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